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for All

Art Bridges Foundation is excited to launch its Access for All pilot program — a transformative, three-year funding initiative that aims to increase access to museums across America and foster engagement with local audiences. The new $40 million initiative provides support to 64 current Art Bridges museum partners by covering the costs of admission, programming, marketing, outreach, and additional efforts that reduce barriers to access. Access for All programming will begin at all awarded museums by January 2024.


Access for All embodies Art Bridges’ core values by helping museums build relationships with new audiences, engage current audiences in new ways, and emphasize interdisciplinary programming.

The pilot program will support museums by underwriting their admission fees on a designated “Access for All Day,” which will occur once a month throughout the three-year program. On this day, museums have an opportunity to offer free admission to the public, opening their doors to all communities. 

Museums that already offer free daily general admission can use their award for programming, marketing, and outreach initiatives that support its Access for All Day. Museums also have the option to offer free extended hours or alternative programming structures that meet the unique needs of the museum and its audiences.

Access for All goes beyond free admission by collaborating with museums to create transformative, interdisciplinary, and audience-building programming. Awardees will have the flexibility to design events and activities that resonate with their local communities. By offering compelling programming, museums can draw in new audiences and make them feel welcome.


Access for All addresses the need for effective marketing and outreach to ensure that all communities are aware of and feel welcome at our partner museums. Access for All awards support museums in reaching out to these communities using new avenues and marketing methods that prioritize access.


Akron Art Museum

Amon Carter Museum of American Art

Art Museum of South Texas

Art Museum of West Virginia University

Bass Museum of Art

Boise Art Museum

Chazen Museum of Art

Chrysler Museum of Art

Cincinnati Art Museum

Clark Atlanta University Art Museum

Columbia Museum of Art

Columbus Museum of Art

Dallas Museum of Art

Delaware Art Museum

Demuth Museum

Des Moines Art Center

Dixon Gallery & Gardens

Erie Art Museum

Fairfield University Art Museum

Farnsworth Art Museum

Figge Art Museum

Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum | Florida International University

Gibbes Museum of Art

High Museum of Art

Harn Museum of Art | University of Florida

Howard University Gallery of Art

Hudson River Museum

Hunter Museum of American Art

IAIA Museum of Contemporary Native Arts 

James A. Michener Art Museum

Joslyn Art Museum

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

LSU Museum of Art | Shaw Center for the Arts

Mattatuck Museum

Mississippi Museum of Art

Missoula Art Museum 

Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts

Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico

New Britain Museum of American Art

Oklahoma City Museum of Art

Olana Partnership at Olana State Historic Site

Orlando Museum of Art

Palmer Museum of Art | Pennsylvania State University

Peoria Riverfront Museum

Plains Art Museum

Portland Art Museum 

Portland Museum of Art 

Riverside Art Museum

Saint Louis Art Museum

San Antonio Museum of Art

San Diego Museum of Art

Smith College Museum of Art 

Speed Art Museum

Springfield Museums

Studio Museum in Harlem

Taft Museum of Art

Utah Museum of Fine Arts 

Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

Westmoreland Museum of American Art

Whatcom Museum

Whitney Museum of American Art

Wichita Art Museum

Yellowstone Art Museum

Zimmerli Art Museum | Rutgers University

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