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Collection Loan Project: Step-by-Step Guide

How to request a loan from the Art Bridges collection.

Art Bridges Collection Loan Process

Art Bridges collects works of American art to share with museums and communities across the country. The collection supports the shared goals of the Foundation and its Partners.

Typically, an institution borrows 1-3 objects at a time for up to a year. Loans are expected to be publicly accessible and installed in a way that allows for guest engagement and brings new conversations or ways of thinking to your institution and its communities.

All costs associated with Art Bridges loans are generally covered in full. In addition, most Collection Loan Projects are eligible for programming and evaluation funds.

How to Borrow from the Art Bridges Collection:

1. Have a conversation

The first step is to talk with us about your idea(s). You can reach out to Ashley Holland, Curator.

Some things to keep in mind when you consider a loan from the Art Bridges Collection:

  • What do the loan(s) add to your museum’s presentation of art?
  • How do the loan(s) fit the mission of your institution and Art Bridges?
  • Timing
  • Facility concerns

All loan conversations begin by sharing a facility report and up to date general environmental readings. If you need a facility report, download one from AAM. We are happy to answer any related questions.

2. Loan Request

Requesting to borrow from the Art Bridges collection is simple.

Please email a formal request letter to:

Associate Curator Ashley Holland (

Requests should include:

  • Contact information for the borrower’s curator and registrar (or other relevant contacts)
  • Loan(s) requested
  • Explanation of how the loan(s) will be used in a gallery or exhibition (emphasis on increasing access, experimentation, and connecting to audiences in innovative ways)
  • Proposed display dates
  • Preferred dates for install and de-install

Loan approvals typically take up to three months from the time of request until the start of the loan.

3. Loan Review

The loan review process includes:

  • Review of facility report and environmental readings
  • Acknowledgement of loan approval or decline

The Art Bridges team will follow up with any questions. If your loan is declined, you may request an explanation for issues beyond timing.

4. Loan Approval

Upon approval, you can expect the following:

  • Loan agreement sent to be signed and returned
  • Art Bridges works with your team to arrange transit of the loan(s)
  • Art Bridges provides a courier to oversee the installation/de-installation of the loan(s) (if necessary)

A member of the Art Bridges programming team will follow up after the loan is approved to discuss possible funding opportunities.